Monday, October 28, 2013

Since When Isn't Wine a Food??? (My Weekend in Review)

This weekend was busy.  In a good way.  This weekend was busy in a good way.  I started my weekend early and am proud to report that I had a fun time cramming in a lot of new experiences.  I had the most fun dinner with one of my most fun friends, I got to be a passenger in my own car for many hours (which came after a small car-care snafu,) met a new tiny human, celebrated a birthday and showed off my knowledge of the 4 basic food groups: wine, wine, wine and wine.

Thursday night I met Jonathan out for dinner.  Hunkered down at Anthony's Coal Fired Pizza with our respective guests, we caught up on each others lives: Mine included my job change, kickball, Gizmo and my plans for the upcoming weekend; His included work, family and after-curricular activities that one has the opportunity to participate in whilst living in NYC.  This was followed by an overwhelming amount of "inside" jokes that sounded a lot like overly verbose versions of song lyrics and a short discussion of the last time we hung out in April when I went to visit him.  All of this follows stopping to get gas and having my battery die at the gas station and getting it jumped by a nice human being.

Friday we hit the road at 6:30ish, stopped for a Pumpkin Spiced Latte, stopped to get a new $130 battery and hit the road to Orlando.  I drove to Katy's house and finally got to meet my "niece" Piper Elizabeth who is three weeks old and super sweet.  She sleeps, makes cute faces, makes some adorable squeaking noises and then sleeps some more.  After almost two years SINCE living with Katy for 2 years and being used to going out and partying and having movie night and cuddling, it was wonderful and easy and amazing to watch movies, hold her Piper and talk about our lives, work, guys, etc.  Friday night was dinner and a serious candy binge.  My sugar free candy was clearly not as delicious as I had hoped, but it was exactly what I needed and hit the SPOT.  No information is available on what state my brain or body was in at the time.

Saturday, after a run, it was off to Epcot for the Food and Wine Festival.  Here's the thing, Epcot is for grown ups who want to be grown ups.  I do not want to be a grown up.  I want to embrace the silly and PLAY at Disney.  BUT, if I can't do that (which I couldn't because I was there for someone else's celebration) I CAN and WILL get Epcot Drunk.  So while everyone else tasted food from around the world, I sampled the wine.  Chardonnay, Pinot Noir, Key Lime Wine (yes, this exists and is entirely too sweet and syrup-y), Prosecco... you name it, I drank it.  I did have one small snack of beef bourginonne in "France" solely because the lot I was travelling around the world with was worried I wasn't eating enough.  Since when is wine not a food?  It's a fruit salad*.  Kind of.  Then we headed home.  And yes, again I was a passenger in my own car, which it turns out, I really enjoy.  Went to dinner and CRASHED at 9:30pm.  Like a grown up.... or an octogenarian...whatever.

Sunday was my relax day.  I read Orange is the New Black (Thanks Erin and Laura) poolside for 3 hours, walked the dog, blogged (this), and went to dinner.

So how about you?  How was your weekend?


*I had missed making myself sound like an alcoholic asshole.  It felt nice to bring that back into the blog.  :)

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